Are credibility checks before hiring mandatory?
Interested in checking a candidates credibility?
Do you want to be sure who you are facing?
Dear manager, are you safe and sure about the employee you've just hired?
A new employee does bring new energies and high expectations..
But any new factor in the work environment can also bring concerns and suspicions.
Do you really know who you hired?
Today, due to the growing demand for new job openings,
Applicants have a tendency to distort their CV and their employment history in order to stand out.
We are here to prevent this!
The business world can be a cruel place.
Sometimes, all is takes is one bad apple
to bring down a business you have built with your own hands.
Industrial espionage, financial embezzlement, theft and even impersonation
Are a lot more common than you think or would like to believe.
dAfter years of researching in this specific fiels,
We have identified two important things you should know:
First of all, you never know who you are facing.
Most applicants will try and twist reality in order to get hired.
Secondly, approximately 65% of CV's received will include at least two distorted details, farther more- 5% are completely fabricated!
Therefore, when candidates start lining up at your door
You must conduct a background check
For the safety of your business and your employees.
Within five business days you can receive A full background check on your . candidate
His true identity, criminal, financial and occupational past in Israel and abroad.
At the end of the process you will receive a summarized report with future recomendations.
This check must be conducted in order for you and your employees to stay safe and sound
On the matter of professionalism and personality- trust your gut feelin...
But when it comes to background checks- leave it to the experts!
If you want to be sure regarding a specific candidate or you are having concerns regarding an existing employee, or you just want to make sure everything is OK
Leave your details, And we will get back to you shortly!