Case studies

Preventing an unreliable candidate from being hired

Case stydy:
BackGround prevented an unreliable candidate from joining the company in a very senior position: "We received a candidate's resume that appeared to be very professional and reliable.
After a comprehensive background investigation into her employment history, we discovered that the employee lied about the circumstances of her termination at the past companies she worked for. Read more

Case study

An employee who started working for a security company after completing a short course and receiving the required permits 
He passed an interview at "Shahaf" company, and they were impressed that he was suitable for the position. Read more

An article regarding murders by security guards

At least 30 men and women were murdered by security guards between the years 2002 and 2013, 16 women and 14 men. In addition, seven men and one woman committed suicide using the security weapon they owned. All men did this after using the weapon to murder another, before killing themselves. Since the beginning of the year, two people have already been murdered by the weapons obtained by security guards, Read more
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