How important is privacy when performing a background check for before employment?

We maintain confidentiality and discretion during the whole process both with the candidate and with the company who required the check.

There is hidden and open competition between the big companies for the considered positions, and therefore it is very important to check the candidate's employment history, his reliability, his legal and criminal background, as well as his financial situation.

We have the ability to check his academic background, the courses and trainings he claims to have taken in addition to the qualifications that are suitable for the company he is applying for.

When every 30-year-old candidate presents a resume that includes a line of positions and not one company, how do you make sure that he actually presents reliable and accurate data? How do you guarantee that this new employee, who just yesterday worked for one competitor and the day after he worked for another competitor - will be a loyal employee that can be trusted with commercial secrets?

Background was established by first class professionals with military and security experience, who specialized in conducting thousands of background checks of new applicants. Background is a company that specializes in checking and verifying the background of job candidates.

It is very important to understand what the candidate's exposure to money and sensitive material will be, and according to these criteria to set expectations between the company and those ordering the service.

We know how to conduct background checks for a variety of jobs, from very simple jobs without high risk to senior jobs with high risk. Moreover, in Background there is a special department that conducts comprehensive background checks that also include a check in databases abroad regarding candidates who have worked or had business relations abroad.

We know how to conduct background checks for a variety of jobs, from very simple jobs without high risk to senior jobs with high risk. Moreover, in Background there is a special department that conducts comprehensive background checks that also include a check in databases abroad regarding candidates who have worked or had business relations abroad.

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